Organization of Investment and Cooperative Projects of
Shiraz Municipality


  • Contractual Joint Ventures
In contractual Joint Venture (JV), there is no equity participation between the partners and their relations, rights and liabilities are principally governed by contract or agreement. The participation takes place on the basis of Capital Contributions of the parties in which each party (Public or Private) could be assumed responsible for parts of the expenses (of the project), and each party’s share of profits and losses are calculated according to their contributed capital per total capital.
  • Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) 
In BOT contracts, the private sector takes on the responsibility for financing the project, and the ownership is temporarily transferred to the private sector during the operate period. Yet, the public sector retains the full ownership. In BOT contracts, the operation period should be so long that all items of income and gain could compensate for the invested capital and net profit.
  • Build-Own-Operate (BOO)
In BOO contracts, the private sector takes on the responsibility for financing, building, owning, and operating an infrastructure for a lifetime, and it collects the levies, leases,  taxes and  all other  administrative and governmental expenses  as well as the revenues of the project so that the invested capital and interests are returned. In BOO contracts, operating and maintaining project may be delegated to a third party provided that the necessary performance security is issued to the financing private sector regarding the commitment on carrying out the project. 
  • build, lease, transfer (BLT)
Financing arrangement in which a developer designs and builds a complete project or facility (such as an airport, power plant, seaport), sells it to the government or a joint venture partner, simultaneously leases it back (usually for 10 to 30 years) to operate it as a business and, after the expiry of the lease, transfers it to the government or partner at a previously agreed upon or market price. See also build, own, operate, and transfer.
  • Build-Operate-Lease-Transfer (BOLT)

In BOLT contracts, the private sector assumes responsibility for designing, financing, and building an infrastructure project on a leased land owned by the public sector. The private sector operates the built facilities for a certain period of time until the lease expires. As soon as the lease contract expires, the properties are returned to the public sector. 
  • Investment opportunity
Known potentials that have investment capabilities and economic returns, for example, wastelands with the ownership by municipalities or private sector or other organizations. These opportunities are capable of accepting to introduce as the investment package.
  • Investment package
A study package on investment plans in which technical information includes approved and proposed usages, densities, and ... based on economic studies such as cost estimates, construction periods, returns, plans and incomes ... is calculated and presented to the capitalists as an investment package.

منبع : سازمان سرمایه گذاری و مشارکت های مردمی
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Organization of Investment and Cooperative Projects of Shiraz Municipality